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German Historical Institute London Bulletin

Volume 32 (2010), No. 1 (May issue)







Imperialism and Globalization: Entanglements and Interactions between the British and German Colonial Empires in Africa before the First World War (Ulrike Lindner)


Review Articles

Micro Views of National History: Local and Regional Dimensions of the End of the Old Reich in 1806 (Torsten Riotte)29
Hans-Ulrich Wehler’s Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte (A. J. Nicholls)38

Book Reviews

Klaus Herbers and Nikolas Jaspert (eds.), Grenzräume und Grenzüberschreitungen im Vergleich: Der Osten und der Westen des mittelalterlichen Lateineuropa (Andrew Jotischky)55
Peter D. Clarke, The Interdict in the Thirteenth Century: A Question of Collective Guilt (Christoph T. Maier)60
Nicholas Edward Morton, The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land 1190-1291 (Kristjan Toomaspoeg)63
Simon Phillips, The Prior of the Knights Hospitaller in Late Medieval England (Jyri Hasecker)69
Beat Kümin, Drinking Matters: Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe (Martin Scheutz)75
Peter H. Wilson, Europe’s Tragedy: A History of the Thirty Years War (Georg Schmidt)82
Stefan Kroll, Soldaten im 18. Jahrhundert zwischen Friedensalltag und Kriegserfahrung: Lebenswelten und Kultur in der kursächsischen Armee 1728-1796 (Robert I. Frost)86
Hubertus Büschel, Untertanenliebe: Der Kult um deutsche Monarchen 1770-1830 (Tim Blanning)92
Heinz Duchhardt, Stein: Eine Biographie (Christopher M. Clark)94
Michele Gillespie and Robert Beachy (eds.), Pious Pursuits: German Moravians in the Atlantic World (Gisela Mettele)98
Warren Rosenblum, Beyond the Prison Gates: Punishment and Welfare in Germany, 1850-1933 (Beate Althammer)101
Klaus Nathaus, Organisierte Geselligkeit: Deutsche und britische Vereine im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Chris Manias)107
Annika Wilmers, Pazifismus in der internationalen Frauenbewegung 1914-1920: Handlungsspielräume, politische Konzeptionen und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen (Mathew Stibbe)113
Bernhard Fulda, Press and Politics in the Weimar Republic (Frank Bösch)119
Richard J. Evans, Cosmopolitan Islanders: British Historians and the European Continent (Andreas Fahrmeir)119

Conference Reports

German Images of ‘the West’ in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’ (Andrew Dodd)129
‘Gentle Bobby’ and ‘Rigid Pickelhaube‘? Communicating Order, Polic ing Society: A Comparison of Policing in Britain and Germany in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Ciprian Cirniala)137
Communities in Conflict: Civil Wars and their Legacies (Matthias Kuhnert)142
New Approaches to Political History: Writing British and German Contemporary History (Heidi Mehrkens)148
Nobility and Religious Opposition: Britain and the Habsburg Territories in Comparison (Michael Schaich)155
Medieval History Seminar (Carola Dietze and Jochen Schenk)161
Eighth Workshop on Early Modern Central European History (Michael Schaich)166
European Societies of Work in Transformation: Comparative and Trans national Perspectives on Great Britain, Sweden, and West Ger many during the 1970s (Bernhard Rieger)171



Library News

Recent Acquisitions181