The German Historical Institute London offers a wide range of opportunities for students and early-career scholars from Germany and Britain. It awards scholarships and prizes and organizes annual conferences and summer schools aimed at undergraduates as well as Ph.D. students and post docs. In addition, it provides internships for students from German universities.

Gerda Henkel-Visiting Professorship
Deutsches Historisches Institut London
International History Department der London School of Economics and Political Science
Ausschreibung zum 1.9.2026 und zum 1.9.2027 jeweils für die Dauer von einem Jahr
Themenbereich Deutsche Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts in europäischer, kolonialer und/oder globaler Perspektive
Ausschreibungsschluss: 31/03/2025
Post-graduate Students and Postdoc Scholarships
The GHIL awards a number of annual research scholarships to post-graduate students, Habilitanden and postdocs at German universities to enable them to carry out research in Britain. The scholarships are awarded for a period of up to six months, depending on the requirements of the research project.
Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants

The Max Weber Foundation confers these annual travel grants on young academics with an international focus. They are meant to improve the career opportunities of humanities/social-science academics during their qualification phase. Selected scholars conduct a self-chosen research project at two or three MWS institutes, or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History in Israel.
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

This fellowship is open to postdoctoral academics with an excellent research record in subjects with a strong research base at the Institute of Advanced Studies and the German Historical Institute London. Its purpose is to offer an early-career scholar from a German university the opportunity to pursue independent research in the stimulating intellectual environment of the two host institutions.
GHIL-MWF Tandem Fellowship on The British Empire and the History of Colonialism

The GHI London-India Research Programme and the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies New Delhi invite applications for their first Tandem Fellowship for early career scholars whose research is situated in the broad field of the British Empire and the History of Colonialism. This exciting new Fellowship is open to scholars from India and Germany and aims to bring together one scholar each from these two countries to meet and exchange ideas in London and New Delhi.
Student workshops
Postgraduate Students Conference

This two-day event gives postgraduate research students enrolled at British or Irish universities who work on German history an opportunity to present their work-in-progress, and to discuss it with other students working in the same field. In selecting students to give a presentation, preference is given to those in their second or third year who have already spent a period of research in Germany.
Medieval History Seminar
This bilingual seminar is organised by the German Historical Institute London and the German Historical Institute Washington. It is designed to bring together Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D. graduates in medieval history from American, Canadian, British, Irish, and German universities for scholarly discussion and collaboration on all areas of medieval history.
Summer School on British History

Der jährlich angebotene Kurs soll das Studium der britischen Geschichte in Deutschland fördern. Er wird von hochrangigen britischen Akademikern auf Englisch gehalten und richtet sich an fortgeschrittene BA und MA Studierende aller deutschen Universitäten. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 begrenzt.
The annual summer school on British history is meant to foster the study of British history in Germany. Held in English by senior British academics, it is aimed at advanced BA and MA students at any German university. Participants are limited to 20.
The Prize of the German Historical Institute London

The Prize of the German Historical Institute London is awarded annually for an outstanding Ph.D. thesis. Topics considered are: German history (submitted to a British/Irish university), British history or British colonial history (submitted to a German university), and Anglo-German relations or Anglo-German comparative history (submitted to a British/Irish/German university).
The Wolfgang J. Mommsen Prize

The Wolfgang J. Mommsen Prize is named in memory of the former director of the German Historical Institute London who died in 2004. This prize is awarded to the author of an outstanding piece of German research on British history. It covers the cost of translating the work into English and publishing it in the Institute's series Studies in British and Imperial History.

Aufgrund neuer rechtlicher Bestimmungen, die in Großbritannien am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft getreten sind, kann das DHI London derzeit leider keine Praktikumsplätze vergeben. Sobald Praktika wieder angeboten werden können, werden wir Sie an dieser Stelle und über unsere Sozialen Medien informieren. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis!