GHIL Publications
New Publications
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between
Machtbeziehungen in kolonialen Kontexten: Initiativen von oben, von unten und dazwischen
Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [3]
Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Klaus Bittner, 2024
Ole Münch
Rag Fair
A Different Migration History of London’s East End, 1780-1850
Studies in British and Imperial History. Vol. 10
New York, N.Y. ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2025
Robert Aldrich, Cindy McCreery and Falko Schnicke (eds.)
Global Royal Families
Cultures of Transnational Monarchy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Studies of the German Historical Institute London
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024
New to Open Access
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between
Machtbeziehungen in kolonialen Kontexten: Initiativen von oben, von unten und dazwischen
Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [3]
Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Klaus Bittner, 2024
Sebastian Conrad
Colonial Times, Global Times: History and Imperial World-Making
Koloniale Zeiten, globale Zeiten: Geschichtsschreibung und imperiale Weltgestaltung
Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [2]
Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Klaus Bittner, 2023
Sumathi Ramaswamy
Worlding India
Das Weltmachen Indiens
Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [1]
Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlug Klaus Bittner, 2023
Matthias Bähr
Konfessionelle Mehrdimensionalität in der Frühen Neuzeit
Irland um 1600
Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London. Bd 88
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023
Stefan G. Holz
Rolle und Kodex
Die Schriftlichkeit der königlichen Finanzverwaltung Englands unter Eduard I. (1272-1307)
Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London. Bd. 87
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022
Peter Kramper
The Battle of the Standards
Messen, Zählen und Wiegen in Westeuropa 1660–1914
Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London. Bd. 82
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019
Simon Ball, Philipp Gassert, Andreas Gestrich, and Sönke Neitzel (eds.)
Cultures of Intelligence in the Era of the World Wars
Studies of the German Historical Institute London
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020
Valeska Huber, Jürgen Osterhammel (eds.)
Global Publics
Their Power and their Limits, 1870–1990
Studies of the German Historical Institute London
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020
Sandrine Kott and Kiran Klaus Patel (eds.)
Nazism across Borders
The Social Policies of the Third Reich and their Global Appeal
Studies of the German Historical Institute London
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018
GHIL Bulletin
German Historical Institute London Bulletin
The GHIL Bulletin appears twice a year and contains articles and reviews of recent books on German and British history, as well as general information about the Institute's activities.
General Editor: Christina von Hodenberg
Managing Editor: Pascale Siegrist
Review Editor: Clemens Villinger
Edited Volumes and Monographs
Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London
General Editor: Christina von Hodenberg
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Edited Volumes
Studies of the German Historical Institute London
General Editor: Christina von Hodenberg
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Studies in British and Imperial History
General Editor: Christina von Hodenberg
New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books
Annual Lectures
General Editor: Christina von Hodenberg
The Annual Lectures are delivered in November by eminent historians and subsequently published by the Institute.
London: GHIL
Digital Resources and Editions
British Envoys to Germany & British Envoys to the Kaiserreich
1816–1897, 6 vols.
Fifth Camden Series for the Royal Historical Society in association with the German Historical Institute London
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Georg Wilhelm Schimper – In Abyssinia. Observations on Tigre
Edited by Andreas Gestrich and Dorothea McEwan in collaboration with Stefan Hanß
This open access online edition is a co-operative project by the British Library, the German Historical Institute London, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Digital Resources
Digital Humanities Modules
Text mining and statistics for historians
Online learning modules with explanatory videos and skill-building exercises
Course leaders: Dr. Luke Blaxill of the University of Oxford, and Dr. Kaspar Beelen of the Turing Institute