GHIL Library
The library of the GHIL is an important and well-regarded institution for British historians of German history, students at London universities, and the general public. Its holdings on German history, British-German relations from the Middle Ages to the present day, and wider European history are comprehensive, up to date, free to use, and form a unique collection in Britain.
Visiting and joining the Library
Autumn/Winter opening hours:
The library is open Monday-Friday, 9.30am–8pm
New readers need to register for a library card and have a short introductory tour of the library before or during their first visit (Mo-Fr, 9.30am-4pm). Photo ID (passport, ID card or driving licence) must be provided.
Library staff are also available for general enquiries at
If you would like to receive regular updates on recent acquisitions, featured books, and other library news, then you can sign up to the Library Newsletter.
Lisa Lampert-Weissig
Instrument of memory : encounters with the Wandering Jew
Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press, 2024
ask librarian
Dorothea Hollstein
Antisemitische Filmpropaganda : Die Darstellung des Juden im nationalsozialistischen Spielfilm
Kommunikation und Politik : Schriftenreihe. 1
München-Pullach, Berlin/West : Verl. Dokumentation, 1971
Wolfgang Benz
"Der ewige Jude" : Metaphern und Methoden nationalsozialistischer Propaganda
Dokumente, Texte, Materialien (Z. f. Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin). 75
Berlin : Metropol, 2010
Tamar Lewinsky, Martina Lüdicke and Theresa Ziehe (eds.)
Another country : Jewish in the GDR
Berlin : Ch. Links Verlag, 2023
Jost Hermand
Judentum und deutsche Kultur : Beispiele einer schmerzhaften Symbiose
Köln, Weimar, Wien : Böhlau Verl., 1996
S. S. Prawer
Heine's Jewish Comedy : A Study of his Portraits of Jews and Judaism
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983
Gk/Hein 8
Ingke Brodersen and Rüdiger Dammann
Stories of an Exhibition : Two Millennia of German Jewish history
Berlin : Stiftung Jüdisches Museum, 2003
Sa.12/3012 a
Alan T. Levenson
Between philosemitism and antisemitism : Defenses of Jews and Judaism in Germany, 1871-1932
Lincoln, Neb. ; London : University of Nebraska Press, 2004
Joshua Levinson and Orit Bashkin (eds.)
Jews and Journeys : Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity
Jewish Culture and Contexts Series
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021
ask librarian
Wayne Allen
Thinking about Good and Evil : Jewish Views from Antiquity to Modernity
JPS Essential Judaism Series
Lincoln : Jewish Publication Society, 2021
ask librarian
David E. Fishman
The rise of modern Yiddish culture
Pitt series in Russian and East European studies
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005
eBook ProQuest
Contact and opening hours
German Historical Institute Library
17 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NJ
Tel. +44-(0)20-7309 2050
Autumn/Winter opening hours:
The library is open Monday-Friday, 9.30am–8pm